How to choose the best Mortgage Broker Geelong

Choosing the best Mortgage Broker Geelong   Buying a home and taking out a home loan of any size is […]

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Tax Time Ready

It’s tax time again! The end of the financial year seems to arrive quicker every year. This can be a […]

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When is the best time to retire?

Retirement Planning Geelong Retirement – A phase many of us daydream about. Whether it involves spending more time with family, […]

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Modernisation of Victorian WorkCover Scheme

From March 31st 2024, changes to the Victorian WorkCover Laws were introduced. They have been made under the Workplace Injury […]

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Informal and Invalid Wills

When it comes to preparing and executing a valid Will, several factors need to be taken into account to comply […]

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Announcement of Proposed Adjustments to Legislated Stage 3 Tax Cuts

The Albanese Government recognises the economic realities of 2024: Australians are under pressure right now and deserve tax cuts. It […]

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How Much Should I Draw From My Pension?

Many retirees use their superannuation to commence a pension that pays income at regular intervals. The most common type of […]

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8 Reasons to Consider Refinancing your Home Loan

If you have had your current home loan for a number of years, it is likely your needs have since […]

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How many super accounts should I have?

One of the surprising things about superannuation is the lack of engagement people have with it. It is not until […]

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Small Businesses Lose Privacy Act Exemption: Implications and Next Steps

A recent review of the Privacy Act Exemption in Australia has brought forth a pivotal change. This will impact small […]

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The First Home Guarantee Scheme: Opening Doors for Australians into the Property Market

The dream of owning a home is deeply ingrained in Australian culture. For many, it represents a significant milestone in […]

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Registered Trade Marks Strengthen Your Brand

Whether consciously acknowledged or not, trade marks are an integral part of everyone’s daily interactions. The term trade mark essentially […]

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