Geelong Accountants and Financial Services team give to BayFM Bethany Giving Tree Appeal

Recently for Christmas 2012 – the staff of The Hrkac Group Accountants and Financial Services decided that instead of holding a Kris Kringle through their Social Club which is called FIFA, that they would instead donate money to the BayFM Bethany Giving Tree Appeal.

Through this effort over $200 was raised, allowing for some children in Geelong the experience of receiving a Christmas gift, when otherwise they may have missed out.

It is amazing the feeling you can receive from the gift of giving and the knowledge you have made someone smile….

The staff has other ideas in tow so we will update you on these as they occur…

Accountants Geelong – why you have found the right one

Are you looking for an accountant? If so, we believe you need a qualified professional who not only has all the financial nous necessary to provide financial services but someone who will listen. The HRKAC group provides clients with professional and empathetic accountants Geelong who are trained to deal with either domestic or commercial financial decisions.

A recent accounting article in The Age highlighted the main points to look out for when looking for an accountant. Your accountant should be able to provide for your current needs whether this is tax compliance, account and financials as well as your future needs. This is where your accountant needs to implement both a short-term and long-term plan. Your accountant should be qualified, professional, and have positive referrals either on a website or by word of mouth.

This is why we believe you have found the right Geelong accountant for you. We listen, we plan we work with individuals or businesses, we are proven professionals.

How Our Financial Planners Geelong Can Help You Have a Better Life

Why do we need a financial planner? Put simply, to have a better life. We either navigate our way through our own finances to work out the best way to achieve this or, we employ professional financial planners who are qualified, trained and well versed in the best ways to plan for your future. And your financial planners Geelong are the HRKAC team.

A recent Forbes article aptly stated that the real point of good financial planning “isn’t to have more money, but a better life”. This sentiment rings true as we work towards a work/life balance that is possibly the best reward at the end of the day.

Your financial plan must be a plan that fits in with where you are in your life. It must be structured around where you are placed now financially as well as working towards you obtaining the goals you seek. Our Geelong financial planners will work with you to discuss more than just the numbers. We want to know who you are, what you want and why. This is how we work with you to achieve the number on aim of us all – a better life.

Geelong’s Financial Planning Specialists

The problem with most accountants is… they’re just accountants. And by that we don’t mean JUST accountants – we mean they only provide accounting services – nothing else.

Everyone, no matter whether you’re in business or an individual, should not see accounting as their only form of financial management.

Most of us have an accountant because most of us pay taxes and need to submit our tax returns to the ATO. But unfortunately, not everyone has a good Geelong accountant AND a financial planner, whose role is to help you achieve your future financial goals, not just go over what’s happened in the past year.

That’s the major strength of our organisation. The HRKAC Group can assist you with accounting services such as financial recording, taxation returns, and tax planning – and we can also assist you in thinking about your financial future with the help of our qualified, professional financial planners.

There are many investment strategies available for our clients regardless of their level of income because financial planning isn’t just for those with a lot of money sitting in the bank, it’s also about giving people on modest incomes strategies to get financially ahead for a brighter future.

So instead of just looking at your financial past, why not look at your financial future with the Geelong financial planners at the HRKAC Group.